Beginning NFC with PhoneGap & Arduino
O'Reilly Webcast April 29, 2014
Tom Igoe, Brian Jepson & Don Coleman
What is NFC?
Subset of RFID.
Wireless communications.
4 to 20 cm.
In practice, make contact with devices.
What can I do with NFC?
Mobile Payments
Sharing Data between Phones
Pair with Bluetooth Device
Mass Transit Card
Smart Poster
We can't do payments, since we don't have access to the secure elements.
TODO add pictures
usb dongle
Tags hold a tiny amount of data
Think bytes
not kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes
Even a 1K tag only holds 716 bytes of data
Each tag type
Stores data in different binary format
Has different security features
Has different ways to read and write
Common properties
Is Read Only
Is Lockable
Type is like Mifare Classic or Type 2
Technology is like Mifare Ultralight C for a Type 2 tag
NFC Data Exchange Format
NDEF is an abstraction that allows us to read and write data to tags without worrying about the underlying implementation
NDEF Message
Contains 1 or more NDEF Records
NDEF Record
Messages contains a payload (or data) and some meta data about that payload
NDEF Record
TNF (Type Name Format)
Record Id
TNF - constants
Type - works with TNF to describe the payload
Ignore the Record ID for now. We don't need it.
Let's look at some examples to make this clearer
Data for the user application
Sructure is opaque. Just bytes on a tag.
TNF - Type Name Format
Indicates the structure of the value of the type field
TNF Constants
Empty 0x0
Well Known 0x1
Mime Media 0x2
External 0x4
Identifier describing the type of the Payload
Must follow rules implied by TNF
Must follow structure, encoding and format implied by the TNF
e.g. Well Known has Record Type Definition Constants
There are lots of specs for all this stuff
Meta Data about the Payload
Text Record
hello, world
TNF = Well Known
Type = T
Payload = 2 + en + hello, world
There is a spec that defines how to encode the payload
The text is prefixed with the language code
The first byte of the tag has the length of the language code
URI Record
TNF = Well Known
Type = U
Payload = 0x3 +
There's a spec for this too.
http:// is shortened to 0x3
if the full url is encoded, prefix is 0x0
Mime Media Record
{ "message": "hello, world" }
TNF = Mime Media
Type = application/json
Payload = { "message": "hello, world" }
Helper Methods
ndef.textRecord("hello, world");
ndef.mimeMediaRecord("text/json", '{...}');
NDEF Message
One or more NDEF Records
NDEF Record
Contains a payload of data
Information describing the payload
NDEF Library
for Arduino
I like NDEF - don't really care about the details. I want tags that can be used across devices.
Used phonegap-nfc as a starting point.
Wanted code to make this simpler. Making progress but still needs work.
Write Tag
Currently tagPresent() BLOCKS, in the future this should return fast
so the main loop can continue executing.
Read Tag
Print method is just a convenience for development and debugging. Probably prints too much information for a normal application.
$ cordova create nfc com.example.nfc NFC
$ cd nfc
$ cordova platform add android
$ cordova plugin add \
Add a Listener
mention history and why this differs from other Cordova plugins
Add a Listener
Handle the Event
onNfc: function(nfcEvent) {
var tag = nfcEvent.tag,
ndefMessage = tag.ndefMessage;
Decode the Payload
util.isType(record, tnf, type);
if (util.isType(rec, TNF_WELL_KNOWN, RTD_URI)) {
value = ndef.uriHelper.decodePayload(payload);
} else if (util.isType(rec, TNF_WELL_KNOWN, RTD_TEXT)) {
value = ndef.textHelper.decodePayload(payload);
} else if // ...
Launching your App
<action android:name=
<data android:mimeType="text/plain"/>
<category android:name=
Cordova NFC Plugin
Read message from tag or peer
Decode payload using TNF and Type
Write message to a tag
Share a message with a peer
Use handover for large messages
Launch app when scanning a tag